Ethanol export panel included Ed Hubbard, RFA; Ryan LeGrand, USGC; Amit Sachdev, USGC; Eric Olson, U.S. Commerce Dept.; and Josh Pedrick, Ethanol Reporter, S&P Global Platts
The program, designed to introduce U.S. ethanol sellers to foreign buyers in an effort to expand U.S. exports, included 18 international companies from seven top ethanol export markets: China, South Korea, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, India and Brazil.
As part of the IBP, the NEC featured a panel of experts who discussed the top global ethanol markets and export opportunities that exist now and in the future. RFA General Counsel Ed Hubbard moderated the panel which included insights from Ryan LeGrand, Mexico Director, U.S. Grains Council; Amit Sachdev, Country Representative/Consultant, U.S. Grains Council; Eric Olson, Commercial Officer & Senior International Trade Specialist, U.S. Commercial Service; and Josh Pedrick, Ethanol Reporter, S&P Global Platts.
Listen to their discussion to learn about future opportunities for ethanol exports: #RFANEC Ethanol Export opportunities panel