High Octane Discussion at #RFANEC

Cindy Zimmerman

nec16-panel-1With “Fueling a High Octane Future” as the theme for the 21st annual National Ethanol Conference, it was appropriate that the first panel focus on ethanol’s high octane properties and how they translate into high performance.

Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) Senior Vice President Geoff Cooper moderated a panel of experts including Brian West with Oak Ridge National Laboratory; MathPro president Dave Hirshfeld; and Tom Leone, Powertrain Research & Advanced Engineering for Ford Motor Company.

The discussion included the basics of what octane is, how octane is measured, and how ethanol fits into that equation. Listen to the panel here: NEC16 Octane/Performance Panel

2016 National Ethanol Conference Photo Album

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA