WBIA to Host Free Ethanol Webinar

Joanna Schroeder

The Wisconsin Bio Industry Alliance (WBIA) is hosting a free webinar on Google Hangouts August 12, 2014 at 2:00 pm EST to discuss the results of their ethanol poll. Recently, the WCGA released a poll showing Wisconsin citizens favor the use of ethanol in fuel by a 2 to 1 margin. Sixty percent of individuals support blending ethanol into gasoline versus only 32 percent who oppose.

WBIA logo“Less than one third (32%) of participants were unsupportive of ethanol blends in their fuel,” said Joshua Morby, executive director of the Wisconsin Bio Industry Alliance. “Clearly the public understands what Big Oil is doing their best to cover up and ignore: Ethanol is cleaner-burning, efficient, and homegrown right here in Wisconsin.”

The webinar will include a detailed analysis of the responses from WBIA and WCGA representatives. The webinar will be available as a live YouTube stream through Google Hangouts. Viewers can post comments and ask questions before, during, and after the webinar.

Education, Ethanol