Florida Company Starts Trials on Jatropha Biodiesel

John Davis

afaFlorida-based Alternative Fuels Americas, Inc. has started trial production runs of its Jatropha-based biodiesel. This company news release says it will be run in three phases, using feedstock from its Costa Rican plantation for the first phase.

“As with every endeavor we undertake, we are testing our assumptions and capabilities before we engage in larger scale activity. This is a major milestone for us and we need to be certain that we not only produce quality biodiesel, but also that we do so within the cost structures we have imposed,” stated AFAI CEO Craig Frank. “These 3 phases of trials will allow us to pinpoint issues, make the appropriate adjustments, and finalize processes that will ensure the sustainable and profitable production of biodiesel. This is yet one more step on our path to value creation.”

“AFAI marked the completion of our trials this past spring”, continued Mr. Frank. “During this R&D period we created and set up for implementation a wide range of operational activities, including Project Jetropha, our wild feedstock program, the signing of offtake agreements and additional projects in development. We are pleased that since we have initiated our active strategy we are moving rapidly toward growth. It is our intent to continue on this path”.

Alternative Fuels Americas takes a cradle-to-grave approach to its biodiesel process, growing the feedstock, crushing the seeds into oil, turning that oil into biodiesel and finally selling it on the market.
