Iowa Gov Launches Site to Boost Biodiesel, Ethanol

John Davis

protectrfsConsidering the fact that Iowa leads the nation in biofuels production, being a major player in the biodiesel and ethanol industries, it only makes sense the state’s governor launches an effort to protect the green fuels. This post from the Des Moines Register blog says Gov. Terry Branstad launched a new website to oppose the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to roll back Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs) – how much biofuel is blended in the nation’s fuel supply.

The new site is Leaders say the website was built without state funds.

“The EPA’s ruling to slash the RFS will have a negative ripple effect through the American economy,” Branstad said. “The result of this proposed rule change would mean corn prices would plummet below the cost of production, loss of jobs and increased dependence on foreign oil. Concerned citizens cannot sit on the sidelines and wait for the comment period to open. Now is the time to defend and protect the RFS.” will allow visitors to sign a petition urging the EPA “to reverse its ill-advised rule aimed at eroding the RFS,” Branstad’s office said.

Though the official comment period hasn’t opened yet, Branstad and [Lt. Gov. Kim] Reynolds said “it’s critically important for Americans to speak up now to push back on the EPA’s ruling.” The comments submitted to will be sent the EPA prior to the closing of the comment period.

Iowa has seen great job growth over the past few years, thanks in large part to the biodiesel and ethanol industries. State officials are worried the EPA changes will hurt that positive economy.

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Government