Just a reminder that the online auction of some brand new equipment for biodiesel production continues through 5 PM EST this Friday, February 18th, 2011.
Maas Companies of Rochester, Minnesota, a specialist in selling ethanol and biodiesel plants and related equipment, is helping Sustainable Energy sell its 600 Tons/Day Hexane Extraction Equipment through the ONLINE ONLY auction.
The equipment, made by Crown Iron Works, was for a plant expansion but was never installed.
Tyler Maas, Sales & Marketing Director states, “The on-line timed auction offers this equipment to a new buyer at a significant savings over new construction. During tighter economic times, a savings on equipment can enhance a plant’s bottom line.”
Buyers will submit bids via Proxibid and supply the seller with a $50,000 deposit. Full and final payment is due no later February 22. The equipment will need to be loaded and removed from the site by the end of the month.
More information is available through the auction’s website.