Colorado Corn Growers Association (CCGA) is tired of the myth that corn ethanol is not energy efficient. So much so that they have launched a state-wide video contest. Budding producers are asked to create a 30 or 60 second video that promotes the truth about ethanol. The winner could win a $600 grand prize and his or her mini-film could be used in CCGA’s state marketing efforts.
According to CCGA’s spokesperson Linda Lewis, the video will be used as part of a statewide K-12 education program that will educate students about the benefits of corn ethanol.
“The second mission of this contest is to create a renewed interest in corn ethanol in homes across the state and potentially drive a large number of people to our Web site, where they will find a list of resources containing the most current and up-to-date information and scientific data on corn ethanol and its energy efficiency,” said Lewis in the Fort Morgan Times.
Lewis continued by explaining that the contest is just the beginning of a long-term campaign that will tell the “truth” about corn ethanol and the campaign won’t end until all Americans understand the value of the alternative fuel.
“We will not give up until the truth prevails,” she said.
Videos are due by October 31, 2010 and contestants can learn more information about the Ag in Action Video contest at