Propel is taking a leadership role in California and Washington in bringing biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel to drivers. Earlier this month, Propel opened a new E85 station in Oakland, California, just one of nearly two dozen planned for the Bay area. Also this summer, Propel received an $11 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy and the California Energy Commission to help install 75 additional E85 pumps throughout California over the next two years.
The company, however, knows that part of their success is due to the customers who support both the ethanol industry and their company through their purchase of E85. They are saying “thank you” to these customers with a new video that features customers who come to their stations to fill up with ethanol. The video was produced by Chris LaPlante and Emily Shellabarger, two ethanol enthusiasts.
The next station to go online will be located in Placerville, California.