The leader of the Blue-Dog Democrats, the bloc of House Democratic centrists, says President Obama’s efforts on ethanol and biodiesel are dragging his overall grade for his first year and a half in office down to just average.
The Hill reports that while Rep. Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin (D-S.D.), believes the President has done a good job on some economic issues, she’s not very happy with his policies regarding the green fuels and gives him an overall grade of a “C”:
“But on some of the other issues and some of the agency action, I haven’t been pleased with as it relates to some of the commitment I thought we would be having to ethanol and biodiesel and understanding and dealing with our forestry issues, I don’t think he did a good job,” she explained.
The Hill goes on to point out that Herseth-Sandlin is facing a tough reelection challenging and may be trying to distance herself from Obama and other Democrat leaders. She quickly backtracked after fellow Democrat Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota begged her constituents to vote for Herseth-Sandlin because she’d help Nancy Pelosi stay Speaker of the House. Herseth-Sandlin said the race was not about Pelosi or House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio).