Iowa-based Renewable Energy Group (REG) will hold a grand re-opening of its Seneca, Illinois biodiesel plant. The biodiesel maker and marketer became the operator of the 60 million-gallon-a-year biodiesel and glycerin facility, taking over from Nova Biosource Fuels.
REG will have Congresswoman Deborah Halvorson on hand to make remarks on the start-up of the plant and to “[c]elebrate the start of biodiesel production at the 60 million gallon per year biodiesel facility, recognize industry partners, welcome 38 full-time employees and increase awareness of biodiesel’s benefits for Illinois’ environment, economy and energy independence.”
The REG Seneca facility has three side-by-side 20 mgy biodiesel process units, a technical grade glycerin refining facility, raw material and finished product storage as well as rail car and truck unloading and loading with the potential for barge transportation that had been idled for more than a year.
REG now wholly-owns five biodiesel production businesses and markets biodiesel in 49 states.