No bulls, not even the mechanical kind, but the U.S. Army is hosting a rodeo … the inaugural Renewable Energy Rodeo and Symposium (RERS), June 8-9, 2010, at Fort Bliss, Texas, evaluating the latest energy technologies that could reap immediate benefits for the military and the nation:
RERS, co-hosted by the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) and Fort Bliss, serves to advance energy initiatives affecting all levels of the Department of Defense, from ground vehicles to installations.
During the two-day exposition, the latest mature technologies and innovations in renewable energy concepts and alternative fuel technologies will be displayed and demonstrated. Panel discussions and guest speakers will feature some of the Nation’s top experts in a variety of energy-related fields and technologies.
“Energy security remains a top priority for our warfighters and our Nation,” explained TARDEC Director Dr. Grace M. Bochenek. “As we aggressively pursue the latest in renewable energy capabilities and alternative energy technologies, it is vitally important we tap the best-of-the-best from industry, academia and government.”
It’s only fitting that Fort Bliss is hosting the energy rodeo, since the post is the Army’s Center for Renewable Energy. Officials expect some “game-changing technologies and innovative solutions.”
More information is available here.