Clean Fuels Conference 202

Free RFS2 Workshop Announced

Joanna Schroeder

For those who are interested in learning more about how RFS2 will be affecting your biofuels business, there is an RFS2 Workshop being held in Des Moines, Iowa at the Sheraton West Des Moines Hotel on April 6th. The workshop is being hosted by the Renewable Fuels Association, the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, Growth Energy and the National Biodiesel Board. The event is free for members of these organizations. Nonmembers can attend for a nominal fee.

This RFS2 Workshop will cover all aspects of the re-registration process for ethanol and biodiesel producers. EPA personnel will be on hand to walk you through the process of updating your CDX account, give you details regarding the requirements of the independent engineering study, and offer helpful tips and hints for mastering the EMTS program for RINS. In addition, they will review how the pathways to plant expansions and technology updates will affect your plant.

It is suggested that participants in the CDX and EMTS breakout sessions bring their laptops to follow along with the presenters as they walk you through the electronic forms. For agenda details and a registration form, please click here. For further questions, please contact Jim Redding.

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Growth Energy, NBB, RFA