One biodiesel standard is under review, while another one has been revised.
This post on says ASTM International is considering a cold weather biodiesel standard:
Through the ballot, the group will decide if changes need to be made within the specification, D6751. If changes are needed, the group will determine whether they should apply to all biodiesel, or whether the changes should apply to a new separate grade of biodiesel. According to the NBB, the new grade would be intended for use in extremely cold weather.
The ASTM Filter Clogging Work Group and the ASTM Biodiesel Task Force will decide the exact form of the ballot and its limits. The results will likely be presented at the June ASTM meeting.
Meanwhile, The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) has revised its biodiesel fuel testing standard. This ASABE press release posted on ThomasNet News says ASAE EP552.1, Reporting of Fuel Properties when Testing Diesel Engines with Alternative Fuels Derived from Plant Oils and Animal Fats, will cover the reporting of testing of any alternative fuels derived from plant oils and their blends with petroleum diesel:
The original document was developed in the 1990s. Since that time, with the rapid growth of the biodiesel industry, the procedures and practices in reporting the testing of such alternative fuels have evolved considerably. The revised document reflects current practices and international standards, with input obtained from experts in industry, academia, and public service.
You can read more about the ASABE standards here.