Clean Fuels Conference 202

SD Passes Blender Pump Legislation

A bill that will allow $1 million to retailers in the State of South Dakota to install ethanol blender pumps has passed legislation. House Bill 1192 will use funds through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The prime sponsor of the bill was Representative Mitch Fargen.

Up to $10,000 can be used at each fueling facility to install blends of ethanol up to E85, but must be used between April 1 and May 28. Stations are allowed to use more than $10,000 if installing more than one blender pump.

As first reported by the South Dakota Corn Growers Association, Owen Jones, a farmer and rancher from Britton, South Dakota said, “With the incentives outlined in HB 1192, the State of South Dakota can play a significant role in getting the proper distribution system in place for the future of renewable fuels. Instead of dispensing one product, five different products can be dispensed from one pump. Another reason I am very supportive of this Bill is the fact that this legislation is not only good for the ethanol industry, but it is good for our nation. We need to rid ourselves of the addiction on foreign oil and change to a renewable fuel system which our nation controls.”

South Dakota currently has about 40 ethanol blender pumps throughout the state and nearly 100 E85 stations.

E85, Ethanol, Ethanol News, News