Clean Fuels Conference 202

DF Cast: Green Limo Offers Rides in Style on Biodiesel

John Davis

df-logoIt’s New Year’s Eve, and many people will be stepping out on the town, riding in style in a limousine. But some folks will be able go green while they go swanky, thanks to Seattle’s first eco-friendly limo service, Seattle GreenLimo.

SeattleGreenLimoDuring this edition of the Domestic Fuel Cast, we talk to company president Kevin Williams, who has four limos running on the green fuel, cutting CO2 emissions by 80 percent or more. Williams credits at least two ladies, Sharon, who made her own biodiesel for her Jetta, and Zoe, who is the kind of person who volunteered to rescue dogs after Hurricane Katrina, for inspiring him to continue in the green venture, despite some roadblocks put up by the State of Washington … which tries to sell itself as being an eco-friendly state.

KevinWilliamsIt’s a pretty cool conversation, and you can hear more of it here: [audio:]

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Audio, Biodiesel, Domestic Fuel Cast