The cold conditions of Canada will put biodiesel to the test as our friends north of the border take part in a year-long test of the green fuel.
This story on the Canada Views Web site says the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) is getting more than $750,000 to see how well biodiesel will work in agricultural equipment, including the coldest months in one of the world’s coldest areas:
During the year-long project, eight agriculture producers will operate their equipment using low-level (B5) and high-level (B10) canola-biodiesel blends to determine whether they affect engine performance. Five producers will operate year-round on a B5 blend, while three others will use a B10 blend during warmer months and a B5 blend the rest of the year.
As part of the study, SRC will evaluate approximately 50 tractors, combines, swathers and related farm fuel storage tanks. Biodiesel quality will be closely monitored and evaluated to ensure that the fuel maintains adequate quality throughout the year-round farming cycle. Fuel testing will be conducted at the SRC Biofuels Test CentreTM in Regina.
Hopefully, by this time next year, there should be lots of good information on how to successfully blend, handle and store biodiesel blends in the coldest of climates.