Clean Fuels Conference 202

Don’t Miss the Upcoming Land Use Conference

Joanna Schroeder

cornThe first ever Land Use Conference is fast approaching and you don’t want to miss it. Hosted by the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), the conference will be in St. Louis on August 25-26th. This is perfect for those people in agriculture who are interested to learn how indirect land use policy will affect their businesses. In addition, academics and people in the biofuels industry should attend.

I had the opportunity to chat with Darrin Ihnen, who will be the NCGA president on October 1, 2009, about why there is such a need for this conference.

“We want to make sure that EPA and CARB and others are using sound science to develop their models, and today we don’t think they’re doing that,” said Ihnen. “They’re using people that don’t necessarily have the expertise that are just writing comments that are kind of what I call out there that aren’t factual so we want to bring them back in line with what the science says and what can be proven instead of using methodology and go about it that way.”

If you haven’t registered already, it’s not too late.  You can register online at NCGA’s website. The cost is $250 per person.

You can listen to my interview with Darrin here:

conferences, corn, Indirect Land Use, NCGA