Clean Fuels Conference 202

Franken Says He’s Pro-Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

The newest member of the U.S. Senate says he is pro-ethanol. In an interview with today, Senator-elect Al Franken (D-MN) expressed his support for ethanol.

“What we’re talking about here is the science of how ethanol affects our carbon footprint,” Franken said. “The science to me tells me it helps. I’ve looked at this a lot, and it seems to me that ethanol already helps our carbon footprint and it’s only getting more efficient in the way it’s produced. Corn ethanol is a step on the way to cellulosic ethanol, which is also going to benefit Minnesota. I’m in the pro-ethanol camp.”

Franken’s campaign website gives his views on renewable energy and the need for America to reduce its dependence on foreign oil.

I think we need a new “Apollo project” – this time to fundamentally change our energy policy and end our reliance on foreign oil.

The natural resources we have right here in Minnesota – not just corn and soybeans and biomass and wind, but innovation and creativity and brainpower – can lead to amazing breakthroughs if we commit to this undertaking.

This “Apollo project” should provide financial support for research into new forms of renewable energy and development of currently-identified sources to make them more efficient. Of course I’m talking about corn ethanol. But I’m also talking about cellulosic ethanol and other biofuels. I’m talking about solar power. And, especially here in Minnesota, I’m talking about wind power. We live in a windy state!

Energy, Ethanol, Government, politics