Clean Fuels Conference 202

Corn Growers Establish Climate Task Force

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Corn Growers Association Ethanol Committee has established a task force of corn farmers to focus on climate issues, such as land use change, greenhouse gas emissions, cap-and-trade policies, carbon sequestration and low carbon fuel standards. The team includes farmers from Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Ohio.

NCGA“There is a wealth of information and research on climate change that we need to gather and communicate to our members and policymakers,” said Steve Ruh, chairman of the task force and a farmer in Sugar Grove, Ill. “We also know there is a need for more research to fill the gaps for policy and legislative initiatives that will help us maintain economic and environmental sustainability.”

One immediate project for the task force is a response to the controversial low carbon fuel standard proposed by the California Air Resources Board.

corn, Ethanol, global warming, Indirect Land Use, NCGA