Clean Fuels Conference 202

Biodiesel Board, Others Welcome New EPA Chief

John Davis

jacksonepaThere’s a new person in charge of the federal agency in charge of keeping the environment clean, and thus, a friend to the clean, renewable energy field.

The U.S. Senate has unanimously approved Pres. Barack Obama’s choice to head the Environmental Protection Agency, Lisa Jackson.

Jackson’s home-state newspaper, New Jersey’s Star-Ledger, reported praise for Jackson from Assembly Enivronment Committee chair John McKeon (D-Essex):

“Lisa’s passion for the environment and pragmatic approach equips her to effectively advance President Barack Obama’s plans for a viable energy economy powered by wind, solar and other renewable energies that would help preserve and protect the environment and generate millions of green jobs,” said McKeon.

nbb-logo4And the National Biodiesel Board seems pretty pleased with the pick:

“On behalf of the NBB, I would like to send my sincerest congratulations to Lisa Jackson upon her confirmation, and wish her the best of luck in her new role. The EPA faces substantial challenges, and the U.S. biodiesel industry looks forward to working constructively with Administrator Jackson to achieve the nation’s energy and environmental goals,” said Manning Feraci, Vice President of Federal Affairs for the NBB.

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, News, Solar, Wind