Biodiesel Board Congratulates Vilsack & Chu

John Davis

The nation’s primary group representing the biodiesel industry is welcoming two of the newest members of President Obama Cabinet.

The National Biodiesel Board has congratulated new U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and new Secretary of Energy Dr. Steven Chu, who both received unanimous confirmation from the U.S. Senate today:

vilsack“Secretary Vilsack has been a consistent proponent of biofuels, and the NBB applauds his speedy and overwhelming confirmation by the U.S. Senate. President Obama has clearly chosen a capable, experienced individual who truly understands the needs of U.S. farmers and the importance of biofuels, and the NBB looks forward to working constructively with chuSecretary Vilsack in his new position at the U.S. Department of Agriculture,” stated Joe Jobe, CEO of the NBB.

“I would like to sincerely congratulate Secretary Chu on his smooth and successful confirmation by the U.S. Senate. Secretary Chu is uniquely qualified to address the numerous challenges he will face in his new capacity, and the U.S. biodiesel industry stands ready to work with Secretary Chu and the Obama Administration to address the nation’s pressing energy needs,” stated [Jobe].

Biodiesel, Government