The Nebraska Ethanol Board elected new officers for the new year at the organization’s recent board meeting.
Mike Thede of Palmer was elected Chairman of the board. Thede represents general farming interests on the board and also serves as president of the Howard County Farm Bureau and sits on the United Soybean Board.
Thede said that he is optimistic about the future of ethanol in light of sales figures and the recently renewed mandate for biofuels. “2008 was a record setting year for ethanol sales in Nebraska,” Thede said. “In September, 81% of all motor fuels sold in Nebraska contained ethanol. E10 blends were selling from four to ten cents less per gallon than regular gasoline, which saved Nebraska drivers almost $36 million.”
The other officers include Steve Hanson of Elsie as Vice Chairman and Tim Else of Belvidere as secretary. Hanson is the wheat representative on the board while Else represents sorghum producers.