According to the AFP, the National Petroleum Agency reported that in Brazil, ethanol sales for 2008 are passing the sales of gasoline for the first time. The article said that the figures only take into account sales of hydrated ethanol that can be used in its pure form in most cars in Brazil, and not anhydrous ethanol that is used just to blend with gasoline.
Sales of hydrated ethanol, through October, hit 15.8 billion liters (4.2 billion gallons), up 44.9 percent from a year earlier, it added. Brazil is a leading producer of ethanol from sugar cane, the world number two after the United States, which uses corn as its base plant. But about 90 percent of cars sold in Brazil’s market can be run on either ethanol, gasoline or a mix of both in any proportion. Less than 10 percent of the U.S. vehicles sold run on high blends of ethanol.
Ethanol costs about .63 cents USD per liter compared to 1.07 USD locally for a liter of gasoline.