Members of the National Biodiesel Board, the industry’s coordinating and research association, has elected some new members and re-elected some of their previous leaders to make the group a true representation of the diversity of the group.
This press release from the NBB says Doug Smith of Baker Commodities, and David Lyons of Louis Dreyfus Commodities, are new to the board:
“I feel honored to serve on the governing board representing the rendering industry,” Smith said. “I bring the perspective of using animal fats and recycled greases as feedstocks as the board increasingly focuses on diversification. Baker can also help bridge any gaps between the two industries, and share their policy development resources.” Based in Los Angeles, Baker Commodities is an international company that sells fats and oils into biodiesel production streams, or for other uses.
“Louis Dreyfus is committed to the production of biodiesel,” said Lyons of Louis Dreyfus, who represents the company in Washington, D.C. “In ways, it’s a challenging time for the industry and we feel we can help the industry move forward through bringing forth the concerns of a production facility.” Louis Dreyfus is a worldwide merchant of agricultural and energy commodities. Its biodiesel plant in Indiana combines soybean crushing and biodiesel production facilities.
Appleton, Minnesota soybean farmer Ed Hegland was re-elected to chair the board, serving his second term after first being elected to the NBB in 2005.
“The diverse makeup of the governing board is a show of unity as the biodiesel industry continues to demonstrate that it is a sustainable, viable part of meeting the nation’s energy needs,” Hegland said.
Gary Haer, of Renewable Energy Group, Inc., in Ames, Iowa was re-elected vice-chair; Jim Conway from Griffin Industries in Cold Spring, Ky. was tapped for another term as secretary; and Ed Ulch with the Iowa Soybean Association was re-elected treasurer during the elections held this week at the NBB fall board meeting in St. Louis, Mo.