Candidates for governor in Missouri aren’t seeing eye-to-eye on much these days (and trust me… we’re hearing and seeing plenty of tit-for-tat attack ads here in Central Missouri), but Republican Kenny Hulshof and Democrat Jay Nixon did seem to agree on the importance of renewable energy during their debate this week in Kansas City.
According to this story in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, both men see alternatives as key for the economy:
With pocketbook issues uppermost in voters’ minds, both men promised to create jobs by beefing up job training and aggressively marketing the state to employers.
Asked for specifics, Nixon said the state should encourage construction of a windmill plant and an auto assembly plant for flex-fuel vehicles. Hulshof called for an oil refinery and research funding to turn algae into biodiesel.
But just in case you thought this debate was any kind of love fest, it was the ONLY thing the two seemed to agree upon. Oh well… back to the attack ads.