Debate Thin On Renewable Energy Talk

John Davis

The first presidential debate between Republican Sen. John McCain and Democratic Sen. Barack Obama just wrapped up, and I have to say I was a little disappointed in how little renewable energy was part of the conversation. I know that it was a debate on foreign policy, but what could be bigger on our foreign policy than reducing our dependence on foreign oil?

Anyway, alternative energy did get a couple of mentions. Just a few minutes ago, Obama voiced his support for renewable energy sources in this country, mentioning solar, wind and biodiesel by name. He also went on the attack against McCain, pointing out that the Arizona senator has voted against alternative energy 23 times in his 26 years in Congress.

McCain countered that no one who is from Arizona is against solar power.

Earlier, McCain said, if elected president he would end ethanol subsidies… but then pledged his support for alternative energy. Obama said he voted in favor of the current energy proposal, which has lots of incentives for renewable energy… but tax breaks for big oil companies… while McCain proclaimed his opposition to those tax breaks to Big Oil… and thus, his opposition to the renewable energy incentives.

Hope you heard what you need to know to make your decision in November. We’ll keep listening and pass along what we hear as it pertains to Domestic Fuel.

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, News, Solar, Wind