Nearly 1,400 gallons of E85 were sold during the celebration of the new E85 fueling pump in Montrose, Colorado this week. The Colorado Corn Growers Association, the Governor’s Biofuels Coalition, Western Convenience Stores and Southern Colorado Clean Cities partnered to bring the new pump to the western part of the state.
Consumers who drive flexible fuel vehicles had the opportunity to save money by filling up with E85 for only 85 cents a gallon for two hours on Tuesday in a promotional effort to highlight the availability of the fuel at the Western Convenience Store in Montrose.
“We are glad to partner with the Governor’s Biofuels Coalition (GBC) and Western Convenience who are working to expand E85 throughout the state. “Together, we are making a difference for Colorado’s air quality and for consumers who support renewable fuel,” said Mark Sponsler, CEO of Colorado Corn. “Western Convenience, GBC, and auto industry leaders like GM have been outstanding partners in this effort.”
The number of E85 fueling locations in Colorado has grown significantly within the last 20 months. Western Convenience has invested in 19 of those locations throughout Colorado. The Colorado Corn Growers Association and GBC have provided funding and support to Western Convenience, which has opened E85 refueling sites in Grand Junction and Delta.