There’s someone new for you to meet at the National Biodiesel Board.
The group has announced Michael C. Frohlich is the new Director of Communications at NBB’s Washington, DC office:
“Michael has diverse experience and knowledge in the communications field,” Manning Feraci, Vice President of Federal Affairs stated. “I am confident he is the right person for the position, and I have no doubt he will be a valuable asset to the NBB and its members.” Feraci continued. Frohlich brings nearly six years of communications experience in Washington, DC to NBB. Prior to joining the organization, Frohlich served as U.S. Representative Randy Neugebauer’s (TX-19) Communications Director and Chief Spokesman. In Neugebauer’s office, Frohlich worked in depth with local and national media on energy and agriculture issues.
Joe Jobe, the CEO of the NBB, stated, “I am pleased that Michael is joining our Washington DC team. I know that Michael will work closely with the media and effectively highlight the importance of the biodiesel industry and the environmental, economic, and energy security benefits of our fuel.”
Forgive Michael the casual picture… I kind of pressed him on short notice so you could see him. But, coming from a guy who blogs from the comfort of his couch, I like the look. In addition, you’ll notice that he’s in San Francisco during this picture. Maybe he’s scoping things out ahead of time for next February’s National Biodiesel Conference.
Good to have you aboard, Michael!