CNN’s trip across the country (as we first reported this past Monday) in a 1978 International Scout running on biodiesel has made it to Hoover Dam, (with acknowledgments to Chevy Chase’s “Vegas Vacation”) where they shot some dam video, filed some dam reports, and did some dam blogging!!! (Where can I get some dam bait?).
Seriously, though, producer Cody McCloy and web developer Brian Hardy are out to prove during the two-week, cross-country trip that started earlier this week how viable biodiesel is as a fuel for a road trip of this magnitude. Here’s one of their latest entries:
[A]s we attempt to drive from California to Georgia on biodiesel fuel, our 1978 Scout is thirsty, and Haycock Petroleum came through for us. Haycock is a wholesaler to area Sinclair stations, which in turn sell B5 to retail consumers. Although we aren’t a retailer, Haycock let us fill up the Scout and a fuel can with their higher-blend fuel. Maybe this will get us to Grand Canyon.
The duo is also testing other green energy measures, such as solar panels to power their computers and video gear. You can follow their progress by clicking on the CNN interactive map of the trip here.