The government wants to know more about the biodiesel production operations in this country.
This story from Biodiesel Magazine says the U.S. Energy Information Administration wants a mandatory biodiesel survey. The information would be gathered in compliance with the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which directed collection of information on biofuels:
The survey would collect data on biodiesel and coproduct production, sales and tax credits, and feedstocks. “The survey is given to all registered biodiesel producers,” said Marie LaRiviere, Energy Information Administration spokeswoman.
The survey would be the first of its kind, although similar information has been gathered by the EIA in the past. “EIA has, in the past, estimated some of the data we will be collecting based on, among other things, program reports collected by the [USDA] Commodity Credit Corporation,” LaRiviere said, who added that the CCC program ended in 2005. “This survey will provide a more complete statistical picture of the biodiesel industry and provide it on a regular monthly basis.”
In addiition, the agency is also looking to collect historical data for a one-time supplement.