Ethanol Across America Participates in Memorial Day Parade

CFDC GM AvalancheAccording to a press release issued by the Clean Fuels Development Coalition (CFDC), their flexible fuel GM Avalanche was featured as part of their Ethanol Across America campaign in a Memorial Day Parade held in Washington D.C. The procession was part of Volunteers of Underage Military Service (VUMS) which salutes veterans who are also known as America’s Youngest Warriors. The parade had more than 100,000 in attendance and also focused on the dangers of imported petroleum.

“The mission was not only to recognize VUMS’ service to America but to also highlight the importance of alternative fuel vehicles and non petroleum fuels,” said Col. Holmberg (USMC, ret.), a longtime consultant to the CFDC and a Director of the American Council on Renewable Energy. “We must break the stranglehold of OPEC oil that is threatening America’s national, energy, and economic security. The “Youngest Warriors” wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to convey the message of what must be done to deal with the greatest threat to America’s freedom since World War II.”

Another E85 compatible vehicle in the parade included a 1957 Cadillac El Dorado which reportedly was the first car to travel from coast to coast on the domestically grown fuel in 2005.

Ethanol Across America is a non-profit, non-partisan education campaign of the Clean Fuels Foundation and is sponsored by industry, government, and private interests. For more information, log on to

Photo source: CFDC. Featured in photo: Linn Bumpers, Kimberly Durante, and Veronica Sherrard — the “Fueling Greener in DC Girls” — help spread the word.

Car Makers, E85, Ethanol, News