I couldn’t resist this story when I ran across it.
A science teacher from Miami, Florida is truly putting her money where her mouth is when it comes to how safe biodiesel is.
Bertha Vasquez demonstrates for Miami’s NBC6 (which has this cool link to a bunch of ecologically-friendly in its Going Green section) and reporter Patricia Andreu just how safe 100 percent biodiesel is by taking a swig of the very fuel she puts into her car:
“This is biodiesel. This happens to be 100 percent chicken fat,” she said. “It’s 100 percent animal fat. So, cheers. Goes in my car. Goes in my mouth.”
Vasquez, a science teacher, loves this shock and awe. It’s one significant way she goes green, and the reason she bought her VW Jetta with a diesel engine.
“No conversion whatsoever. I just bought it and filled it up from the first time with biodiesel,” she said.
Vasquez buys her eco-friendly fuel at Sol Atlantic Biodiesel. Since they set up shop last year in a Hialeah Gardens warehouse, business has been brisk.
“It’s an alternative fuel. It’s non-toxic. It’s biodegradable,” said Christian Miranda, co-founder of Sol Atlantic Biodiesel.
Now I wouldn’t recommend this unless you know you’re drinking 100 percent biodiesel made from vegetable oil or animal fat with no petroleum mixed in. And a steady diet of chicken grease might be a little hard on your heart. But it is nice to know that what we can now burn in our diesel vehicles is certainly safe enough to drink.