The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association is inviting everyone to its 2nd Annual Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit, January 31st, 2008 at the Polk County Convention Complex in Des Moines, Iowa.
Activities begin at 1:00 p.m. and run through 5:30 p.m. and include:
* Keynote speaker Governor Chet Culver will share his vision for maintaining Iowa’s first-in-the-nation status in renewable fuels.
* Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey will outline his goals for expanding the adoption of biofuels among all consumer groups.
* Â Renowned economist, John Urbanchuk with LECG, LLC, will release a new study detailing the impact of renewable fuels production on Iowa’s economy.
* A Sustainable Renewable Fuels Future: Will corn sustain the U.S. ethanol industry or will dedicated energy crops become a popular choice? A panel of experts will discuss the feedstocks of the future in addition to the synergies of ethanol and biodiesel in the marketplace. And, learn about the advancements in technology that further reduce biofuels’ environmental footprint on the nation. Â
* Future Fuels Need Future Markets: The possibilities of breaking away from traditional fuels to using higher levels of ethanol and biodiesel will be explored. The viability of using a 20% ethanol blend, how to achieve success with E85 and the opportunities for 20% biodiesel blends will be shared by a panel who is committed to replacing oil with friendly, renewable fuels.
The summit is free, and registration is available by clicking here.