Houston-based Nova Biosource is opening up its biodiesel plant at Seneca, Illinois for a financial analyst and institutional investor forum as well as a tour of the new facility on Friday, January 25th, 2008. The new facility will be mechanically complete right after the start of the new year and substantially completed this summer.
Check out this drawing of the facility (on the right). This company press release has more details about the company:
Nova Biosource Fuels, Inc. is an energy company that refines and markets ASTM standard biodiesel and related co-products through the deployment of its proprietary, patented process technology, which enables the use of a broader range of lower cost feedstocks. Nova is focused on building and operating a number of Nova-owned biodiesel refineries, with a goal of attaining production capacity of between 180 to 220 million gallons of biodiesel fuel on an annual basis. In particular, it is investing to improve the profitability of its 10 million gallon per year biodiesel refinery in Clinton, Iowa, while also completing the construction of its 60 million gallon per year biodiesel refinery in Seneca, Illinois. Nova’s business strategy for the next three years includes building up to seven biodiesel refineries with production capacities ranging from 20 to 100 million gallons each per year.
You can see more about Nova Biosource at the company web site, NovaEnergyHolding.com.