Among the stories seen as significant to the American Farm Bureau in 2007, renewable energy ranked right up there with the new Farm Bill and issues with migrant workers in the fruit and vegetable crop fields.
And this column from Farm Bureau says ethanol and biodiesel will be in the headlines for years to come:
Energy products including ethanol-blended fuels and biodiesel made from corn, soybeans and other crops continued to make news headlines in 2007. These home-grown fuels have a meaty role to play in increasing America’s energy independence. They got a boost at the end of the year when a new energy bill was signed into law mandating the use of 36 billion gallons of ethanol and biodiesel in the U.S. transportation fuel supply by 2022.
Another big story for ’07 was the record-sized harvests for corn and soybeans… another product of the renewable energy boom.