Vanderbilt University is the recipient of a $100,000 grant from Japanese auto components supplier, DENSO Corporation to put in a state-of-the-art biodiesel tester.
This news story from Vanderbilt has more details:
Beginning in the fall of 2008, students from various engineering disciplines will use the Vanderbilt Multi-User Biodiesel Engine Test Facility to investigate diesel engine performance parameters and test campus-produced biodiesel fuels, according to Professor Robert W. Pitz, chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The facility will be housed in Featheringill Hall and will be managed by the mechanical engineering department under the direction of Professor Amrutur V. Anilkumar.
“The facility will include a four-cylinder diesel engine typically used in passenger cars,” Pitz said. “The engine will be linked to a computer that will analyze the test data and monitor engine performance with various fuels.”
With this new tool, students at this prestigious school in Nashville, Tennessee will be able to continue their work on making the country less dependent on overseas and non-renewable petroleum.