The Biodiesel Finance & Investment Summit, January 14th-16th, 2008 in New York, NY, will feature Martin Tobias, the president of biodiesel giant Imperium Renewables, as one of three keynote speakers. Joining Tobias will be James W. Eiler, Managing Director, First National Investment Banking and Gene Gebolys, President and CEO of World Energy Alternatives.
The summit’s web site invites those interested to meet “the leading biodiesel developers, investors, lenders and other industry players who are looking to do deals:”
* What the financing market will look like in 2008
* What it will take to get deals successfully made in the market
* What opportunities exist for developers, investors, and lenders to become involved in upcoming deals
* How new developments—such as feedstocks, renewable diesel, and carbon credits—will impact future opportunities
The Biodiesel Finance & Investment Summit has established itself as the major gathering place where biodiesel developers, investors, lenders, EPC contractors and others in the biodiesel finance & investment community come to meet, gauge the current pulse of the deal-making market and share their perspectives on what it will take to get biodiesel deals successfully financed in the current market environment.
Get more information on the agenda and registration by clicking here.