A biodiesel plant in Alberta is the beneficiary of a $600,000+ contribution from the federal Canadian government, that goes along with $275,000 in direct equity investment from farmers.
The money is going to help Western Biodiesel Inc. build a plant near Aldersyde, Alberta that will crank out about five million gallons of biodiesel a year. This story from Marketwire.com says it’s part of the Canadian government’s ecoAgriculture Biofuels Capital (ecoABC) initiative:
“This announcement is another example of our government’s commitment to deliver results to the agricultural community as well as taking tangible action for our environment,” said Parliamentary Secretary (Ted) Menzies. “With this ecoABC initiative, this new state-of-the-art biodiesel plant in Aldersyde will benefit farm families, and also help strengthen the local community and our agriculture sector.”
“Through the federal ecoABC program, Western Biodiesel Inc. has been able to leverage farmers’ investment almost three times,” said Dean Cockshutt, Chief Executive Officer of Western Biodiesel Inc. “This financial support will help create another significant increment of Canada’s biofuels production capacity.”
The plant will use canola oil and rendered beef tallow as a feedstock.