Iowa Soybean Growers Call for Biodiesel Incentives-First Approach

John Davis

isoylogo.JPGThe Iowa Soybean Association is calling on Iowa lawmakers to take an incentives-first approach to biodiesel policy in the upcoming legislative session.

This story on says they’re suggesting legislators consider some market-driven strategies:

Highlights of this plan include:

• an increase in the current retail tax credit program,

• creation of a “bulk sales” incentive,

• new infrastructure support options through the Renewable Fuels Infrastructure Board,

• subsidies to existing biodiesel production facilities, and

• increased biodiesel usage by state fleets.

“We think this is a balanced, market-driven approach to biodiesel policy,” says Curt Sindergard, ISA president and a soybean farmer near Rolfe, Iowa.

While pushing for the incentives, the association is also rejecting any state mandates for biodiesel use (although federal mandates are OK). Officials admit that they’re getting an early start, but the see some serious issues with feedstock costs.
