The Wisconsin Biodiesel Association is opening its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 25th at 9:30 a.m. at the Wisconsin DNR office in Madison to the general public.
This story on Wisconsin Ag Connection says it’s an effort to educate people about the benefits of biodiesel in the state:
WBA President Jeff Pieterick says the group has prepared a particularly informative series of presentations that will offer a substantial overview of the biodiesel industry in Wisconsin.
“Please join with us to learn about the exciting developments, the opportunities, and the challenges that bear impact upon Wisconsin’s effort to develop ‘Homegrown fuel for a better Wisconsin,'” Pieterick says.
The agenda includes a legislative update with Attorney John Wilson of Michael, Best & Friedrich, LLP; a discussion on fuel distribution by Tim Glynn from EH Wolf & Sons; and an update on biodiesel production in Wisconsin by BEST Energies Vice President Tony Janowiec.
Contact Jeff Pieterick at the WBA at (920) 988-4058 for more information.