The latest edition of the Ethanol Fact Book came out today, and highlights include ethanol’s contribution of thousands of jobs over the last two and a half decades, as well as the green fuel’s environmental performance. The Clean Fuels Development Coalition publishes the book, and it is available through the Ethanol Across America campaign.
According to this story on, the book takes on issues such as tax incentives, energy security and oil import reductions, economic impacts and benefits to the income tax base, greenhouse gas reduction and environmental benefits, and advancements in cellulose conversion technologies.
This latest version was unveiled during a joint news conference between Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) and Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Indiana) in Washington, D.C. today:
U.S. Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) Co-Chair of the Ethanol Across America campaign said, “This year, with the Farm Bill and the Energy Bill, Congress has two major opportunities to drastically expand and enhance our nation’s use of renewable fuels. Ethanol is a common thread with these important bills.” said Nelson. “This information will help us in our efforts to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, protect our environment and promote economic growth through ethanol and other renewable fuels.”
U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN), co-chair of the Ethanol Across America campaign, said, “America’s insatiable appetite for oil places our country in a precarious situation of reliability on regions of the world that have become increasingly hostile to us. Increasing the development and production of renewable fuels such as ethanol will help ensure national and economic security. As the Ethanol Fact Book illustrates, with high oil prices ethanol production becomes even more important and farmers growing corn, and other energy crops, will add to our nation’s energy security while helping our communities prosper.”
In addition, developments in flexible fuel vehicle production and current issues such as food versus fuel and net energy balance are addressed.
Thousands of jobs, increased farm income, and tax receipts in the hundreds of millions of dollars flow from the ethanol industry while costly petroleum imports are replaced by American made fuel.