The exective director of the International Institute for Ecological Agriculture has proclaimed himself the “God-Father” of ethanol as a biofuels expert.
According to a news release, “David Blume has been asked to appear on radio, TV and as a lead speaker for a number of renewable energy symposiums in the coming two months. Blume is globally acknowledged as the “god-father” of ethanol and is a leading advocate and expert on renewable solutions to the global need for inexpensive, non-polluting, and sustainable energy and food sources.”
Blume, who sounds like one pretty interesting character, is the author of a soon-to-be-released book called “Alcohol Can Be A Gas,” subtitled Fueling an Ethanol Revolution for the 21st Century. According to the IIEA website, it is “the first comprehensive book on small to farm scale alcohol production and use written in over 90 years.” The description of the book says it began as a PBS television series in 1983 on San Francisco affiiate KQED, but “Big Oil got wind of the project and convinced KQED to halt the printing and cancel the release the series to the rest of PBS.”
Blume and IIEA also have a community called “Alcoholics Unanimous” which offers membership under several categories, including Fuel Farmer, Moonshiner, Rumrunner and Brewmaster.