Iowa State, DNR Study Biodiesel

John Davis

iowadnr1.JPGIowa State University and Iowa’s Department of Natural Resources will study biodiesel and compare the different blends for engine performance and emissions.

This story in the Sioux City (IA) Journal says they’re getting money from the Central States Air Resources Agencies to conduct the study:

ISU’s Center for Transportation Research and Education will test and quantify performance of blending different fractions of biodiesel with ultra low sulfur diesel. Performance will be evaluated with zero percent biodiesel and then replicated with 2 percent, 5 percent, 10 percent and 20 percent biodiesel. Both field tests and laboratory engine dynamometer tests will be conducted. The DNR’s air quality bureau will provide grant management and technical assistance.

When ISU and DNR are done, trucking companies and transit agencies will be able to use the results to determine which is the best blend of biodiesel for their purposes. The government will also know what percentage of biodiesel gives the best emissions results compared to its performance.
