Clean Fuels Conference 202

Tuscaloosa Latest to Make Biodiesel Switch

John Davis

Tuscaloosa city logoTuscaloosa, Alabama is the latest city to switch its diesel powered fleet to biodiesel.

This story on the WVUA-TV web site says the city is switching nearly 300 vehicles to run on a 20% biodiesel blend:

The fuel comes from a plant in West Alabama called Alabama Biodiesel, located in Moundville. According to the company’s website, they began producing biodiesel in 2005.

Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox spoke to WVUA about the fuel shift: “By going to biodiesel, the city reduces its dependency on foreign oil. Right now, by going to biodiesel, in a year’s time, we’ll save nearly a hundred thousand gallons of diesel fuel—that’s twenty percent of fuel we use in one year.”

The biodiesel costs a couple of cents more a gallon, but the less diesel that will have to be bought will make up the difference.
