Clean Fuels Conference 202

School Heated with Biofuel

John Davis

North Country School, just outside of Lake Placid in upstate New York, is switching its heating source to biodiesel.

According to this story in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, the school has always been pretty progressive… organically farming and composting food scraps to make 150,000 pounds of compost material each year. Now, they want their energy sources to be good for the environment, too. That’s why they’re switching their 27,000 gallons of heating fuel used a year to biodiesel:

“Our goal has been being environmental stewards since we started,” [said facilities manager John Culpepper.] “It’s a natural fit for us.”

And a more natural source, too. Unlike fossil fuels like fuel oil, diesel, gasoline and kerosene, biofuel is a renewable fuel made from vegetables products like soybeans.

The school started with 5% biodiesel and has moved up to 20%… and would eventually like to use a 100% blend.
