Illinois Farm Bureau is trying to get the good news about ethanol out in two ways – a new blog and some cute and corny TV spots posted on YouTube.
Illinois Farm Bureau News Service Director John Hawkins says they started the new ethanol blog “to provide the latest information on renewable energy and ethanol for Illinois Farm Bureau members. In the near future, we will include some IFB research on the renewable fuels issue, plus FarmWeek stories pertinent to energy issues.”
Today’s post on the blog is about the ethanol television spots that ILFB has produced.
One, called “Kids Say the Darndest Things,” has a bunch of cute little kids saying nice things about ethanol.
The other one features ethanol super hero Captain Cornelius, who has been around for years promoting corn. In this very “corny” 30-second spot he saves the world with the power of corn in ethanol to make us less dependent on foreign oil.
In terms of views, cute is beating corny with over 1800 views for “Kids” and less then 250 for “Capt. Corn.”