E85 has arrived in the Sunshine State.
Florida’s first E85 pump opened in Tallahassee Wednesday, with Governor Jeb Bush doing the honors of filling the first tank full.
General Motors Corporation, in partnership with Inland Food Stores and the State of Florida, facilitated the launch. According to a company release, they have plans for at least 16 other fueling sites in the greater Tallahassee area.
“Securing a diverse and reliable supply of energy will reduce Florida’s dependence on imported oil and ensure that a balanced mix of fuel sources and technologies are available for years to come,” said Governor Bush. “The tremendous potential of ethanol to become a major source of transportation fuel for Florida ‘s energy future will be spurred with greater public access to ethanol fueling stations.”
Commenting on today’s announcement, Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles Bronson added, “We congratulate General Motors and Inland Food Stores in the formation of this partnership to bring renewable biofuel to consumers at more retail locations. We’re pleased that the efforts of today’s partnership will help provide more Florida consumers with domestically grown and produced fuel choices like E85.”