Ethanol By-Product for Livestock

Cindy Zimmerman

All the talk about food vs. fuel seems to not take into account the fact that a by-product of ethanol production is livestock feed. In fact, one bushel of corn produces about three gallons of ethanol and 17 pounds of distillers grains. That product can be fed to livestock either in the wet state or dried as DDGs. Drying takes more time and energy, but locating cattle right nearby ethanol plants could help speed the feeding process for the wet product.

I did an interview this week for the Missouri Beef Industry Council with Rex Ricketts, who is the University of Missouri Extension Commercial Agricutlure Program Coordinator. Rex recently conducted this year’s Missouri Beef Tour for producers, which focused on the opportunities ethanol plants offer for livestock producers.
Listen to MP3 Ricketts Interview (6 min. MP3)
