FL Farm to Fuel Summit Success

Cindy Zimmerman

Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles Bronson was pleased with the turnout at this week’s Farm to Fuel Summit in Orlando. More than 300 people from 10 states and Brazil participated in the summit on how to achieve the goal of reducing the United States’ dependence on foreign oil and expand the market for Florida’s crops.

“I have long believed that Florida agriculture could play a major part in meeting our nation’s fuel supply,” Bronson said. “Clearly, the overwhelming number of people who have come to this summit because they believe it as well and want to do what is necessary to achieve these goals.”

Speakers at the two-day summit include representatives from the U.S Department of Energy, USDA, University of Florida, General Motors, the petroleum industry and agriculture. Bronson is encouraging participants to build upon the new relationships the summit has established among all these diverse entities.

Gary Cooper with Southeast Agnet attended the event and interviewed Commission Bronson. Listen to MP3 Bronson (4:30 min. MP3)

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