Directly on the heels of last week’s groundbreaking and announcement of two more plant sites in Nebraska, Midwest Etahnol announced yet another plant site this week, this one in Blencoe, Iowa. This little town of 213 people is located very close to the Nebraska/Iowa border and the proposed plant site is 477 acres of family owned property, which John Kant, corporate director of public relations for Midwest Ethanol Producers says is ideal for the project.
“You have to be near a rail; you have to have enough corn; and you have to have enough cattle to sell the (dry distiller’s grain) to,” Kant said.
The other four Midwest Ethanol plants are in Phelps, Holt, Furnas and Dawson counties in Nebraska. Here is another picture of the Holt County groundbreaking last week, thanks to Kurt Bravo. Kurt, could you identify the folks in the photo for us?